Sunday, March 13, 2005

Stamp out illiteracy: snuff an illiterate!

Well no, no, don't take that at face value, I'm actually anti-homicide.

Yesterday, I hit the "next blog" link in the upper right hand corner for the first time ever. It's random. So I kept doing it, and laughing at how horrible some people -- most people -- are at managing, maintaining, or even grasping the concept of a journal. Sometime when you're in a relatively curious and masochistic mood, you should try it yourself.

When I found any decent ones, I bookmarked them and left comments. I figure if you're going to wade through a bunch of garbage, you may as well plant your flag when you find anything that isn't.

So here are four that I liked reasonably well:

And just think, if all the others didn't suck so magnificently, I probably wouldn't even be mentioning these four! So here's a great shout out to the unsung heroes, the mountain of illiterate (both regular illiterate and computer illiterate) morons that help make the few decent writers shine all the brighter. You are the wind beneath our wings.

I think I'm going to cry.


At Sun Mar 13, 11:38:00 AM EST, Blogger jessica said...

So I win be default--the story of my life. But it's better than not winning at all.

Seriously, the blogosphere is overrated, and I sometimes wonder why I bother to contribute to it.

At any rate, here's a link to another blogger who doesn't suck. In fact, I find him highly entertaining.

At Sun Mar 13, 12:09:00 PM EST, Blogger KeithHandy said...

The fingerless glove guy is funny.

My goodness, did this "post a comment" page come up wonky for you too?

I'm typing in a one-inch square. This is unbearable. Must be fixed.

At Sun Mar 13, 12:11:00 PM EST, Blogger KeithHandy said...

Okay, now it's better. Hm. I didn't do anything different.

At Sun Mar 13, 06:12:00 PM EST, Blogger Ms. Lori said...

Thanks for stopping my my blog.

Looks like we have stuff in common -- we both hated gym class, and we're from Rochester. Gawd, we sure hit the jackpot, eh? ;-)

At Sun Mar 13, 08:05:00 PM EST, Blogger KeithHandy said...

Indeedily doodily. I was born and went to school closer to Buffalo, but have been in the city of Rochester all my adult life.

This is the most comments I've had on this blog ever!!! Now I shall go back to posting about what I'm interested in, and once again enjoy the sound of the crickets.

At Fri Mar 18, 04:52:00 AM EST, Blogger Lons said...

Hey, thanks for the link...

I now realize I should say something of substance, even though I only clicked "post a comment" to thank you for linking to my blog. And nothing is harder than thinking of something substantial to say when you're intentionally trying to say something substantial.


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