Monday, November 08, 2004

New scann0r

I got a Canon LiDE 35 this past weekend. I wasn't sure it would work with my older computers because I don't have any USB 2.0 ports. It works just fine. It's really nice. It even comes with a fairly fully-functional photo manipulation app that basically does everything I need.

So now I can start personalizing the visual side of my web presence. Not that I couldn't create images from scratch directly on the computer, but it's really not the same. I like being able to pull that human texture/touch into the computer from out here in the physical world, even if when push comes to shove I can't actually draw well (and have sloppy handwriting). It has character, I guess.

Also, scanners have improved since I used them last. Not only are they light as air and able to get all their power right off the USB cable, but you no longer have to prescan and draw a rectangle around your image; it does that automatically. And an $80.00 scanner does a great job; anyone who spends upwards of several hundreds for better quality is on crack.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Last call

I almost said "fart". They heard the mischief creeping up in my voice. The caller was driving and had to pull over to write down the new company's number. He even said "I thought maybe I could just remember it, but I'm not going to." This was my Golden Moment.

"I have an easy way for you to remember that", I said in a dark tone, turning to to see excited heads popping up over the next row of cubes in eager anticipation. I shook my head "no" at them, because I saw reality (aka "severance pay") potentially hanging in the balance. I did not say "fart". I just said the number.

Had the caller asked "what is this easy way you speak of?", I may have considered it, but he didn't tempt me any further down that path. He pulled over too soon and had a writing implement close at hand.

I don't feel that I let my coworkers down. Rather, I felt a moment of psychic connection with them all, because even if we weren't doing it in reality, we were all thinking it together.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I'm not gonna lie to you ...

... that's a healthy piece of real estate!