Sunday, October 30, 2005

Vibrato cancellation

Just a little helpful tip: if you put a delay on a vocal, set to one half the length of a single vibrato cycle, at 100% of the original amplitude, with no feedback/repeats, it cancels the vibrato, or at least replaces it with a steadier chorused-like sound. This is assuming you don't mind having such an effect.

I've done some pseudo-choirs where I sing all parts in a mock-pompous "pretend you're an opera queen" voice, and I'm never 100% happy with the result. In the process of trying to spice these things up, I first look at what it is about these that grate on me. One thing that stands out is that my vibrato sucks. It sounds too "quavery".

My own vibrato rate is about six cycles per second. A better, trained singer would probably be closer to seven or eight. So one sixth of a second would be the length of one, uh, "bulge" in the sound. Setting the delay to one twelfth of a second superimposes bulges between the existing bulges, so the overall result is more steady. You also have slightly sharp tone mixing with slightly flat tone, so this creates a chorusing as well.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Where have I been??!?!

I'm assuming it's safe to say you're gone and not reading this anymore, now that I've deliberately avoided writing for a period of several months. Ha ha, I am a very funny person. You see, that is a joke. In fact, I've been writing mostly on my LiveJournal journal, now that I've suddenly become interested in girls again; it's just not appropriate material for a production journal. So I say.

I've also been committing the reverse crime, leaking productiony types of material onto that journal. So considering how erratic the whole system is, I think I will eventually re-merge the two, and even go as far as to transcribe my old old old paper journals and consolidate everything. T'would be a lot of work, though, and me announcing that I'm going to do something does not mean I will any time soon.

Take for example, this animated video I was going to start working on for Slab of Clay. I can't even seem to think about that right now. And all my code is in limbo, for want of the level of concentration required to be a c0d3r.

On the positive side, I've dived/diven/dove headfirst into Fr. Hifta Ryphtor, which is what I would consider to be my first album of all-new material in f%@&ing forever. By "all new" I of course mean written within the past ten years. Which would turn out to not even be true if you look too closely. But I still feel that it's "all new" in spirit. It's sort of shaped like a rock opera, without the burden of having to spell a story out too specifically.